Public Speaking & Workshops

Technical and Economic Utilization of Agro-Industrial Waste in Valle del Cauca, Colombia” Participants included Food Engineering students from Universidad del Valle, Universidad Javeriana and Universidad de San Buenaventura.

Technical and Economic Utilization of Agro-Industrial Waste in Valle del Cauca, Colombia” Participants included Food Engineering students from Universidad del Valle, Universidad Javeriana and Universidad de San Buenaventura.

Kontinuum R&D, is an Oregon USA technology & commercial incubator center, dedicated to globally guiding, identifying and recovering high value-added components from food and agro-industrial waste and by-products via a customized Phased-Step Project Approach (PSPA). In the initial phase, we are focused on assessing the opportunity-value by defining the composition and optimum commercial utility of waste streams as the preliminary phase in a series of systematic steps in harnessing renewed value, better described as upcycling. Our practical know-how in matching novel technological-processes to mining endogenous components and the preservation of their nutritional and/or functional characteristics permits us to harness distinct functionalities and commercial utility. In turn, we support the findings by offering technology-transfer opportunities in the form of guided technical services & licensing arrangements of the newly-developed recovery technologies and the resulting value-added products. Such technical services offering include onsite compatibility-evaluations within a) existing primary-manufacturing infrastructures and process flows and/or b) alternatively economic seed-participation into viable startup entities that, after the successful incubation phase, are capable of raising money from the private sector to ultimately operate on their own. Further, we provide novel product-application support, including guidance in defining the best-utility space together with specific broker-identification networks to assure commercial viability.

Symposium on Enhancing Nutrition in Cereals, Legumes, Pulses and Beans. AACCI Savannah, GA.

Symposium on Enhancing Nutrition in Cereals, Legumes, Pulses and Beans. AACCI Savannah, GA.

The technology & commercial incubator can be a for-profit, private legal entity that nurtures innovative concepts to identify applicable technologies to extract, convert or modify agro-industrial by-products including but not limited to those generated by the food and feed processing industries and into value-added materials.

Symposiums and Workshops on Sustainability vs. Consumption are Customized to Educate Businesses and Students Around the World

KONTINUUM R&D offers a series of symposiums and workshops on the global impact upcycling has on our environment, our resources and as a corporate economic- leverage tool able to impact corporate responsibility and true sustainability, executive mentoring and most importantly, a vehicle towards a hunger-free world.

Popular Workshop Topics include:

  • Novel ingredient development from waste streams

  • Economic upcycling valuation

  • Sustainability vs. consumption employee mentoring

  • Market assessments of novel ingredients and networking support

  • Sourcing limited private financial startup funding

  • How to source, screen, develop, and integrate processes into existing or new manufacturing lines.

The following are but a few of the practical steps Kontinuum R&D, in collaboration with our strategic alliance, is taking to achieve a hunger-free world:

  • Technology Incubators

  • Public/Private Partnerships

  • Mentoring

  • Licensing Programs

The subjects above, are some examples of what we cover on our workshops. If you have specific educational needs, please contact us. We may be able to develop customized curriculum to your specific needs.