
Portfolio of Technologies

The selective technologies developed or under various stages of development below are based on industrial volume availability, daily on-going production, consistency of composition, supply, disposal economics and environmental impact.

Current Research

Currently developing technologies in the recovery of eggshells as sources of bio-available calcium and hyaluronic acid concentration, olive cake baking flours, date-pit dietary fibers, mango skin phytochemicals, and seed-dietary fibers.

  • Mango Skin and Seeds – Phytochemical and Fiber Recovery

  • Egg Shells – Hyaluronic Acid and Bioavailable Calcium Carbonate

  • Olive Cake – Polyphenol-rich Fiber

  • Date Pits – Antiviral Agents and Antioxidants

  • Coffee Mucilage – Gums and Soluble Fibers

Other Ongoing Projects Under Consideration:

  • Manufacturing Process Development for Conventional & Organic Functional Prebiotic Blends Based on Selected By-product Fibers

  • Bio-Flavor Development from Debittered Spent Yeast

  • Natural Mold-Inhibitors Based on Hydrolysates Derived from Cereal/Grain/Legumes/Pulses